Friday, September 30, 2011

first night away

A. stayed by herself with my parents for the first time while B and I went to New Orleans for 4 days; she was 6 months old.  It was really hard the first day but then I got over it and felt really rejuvenated by the time we got home.  K. is almost 7 months old and I had no intention of leaving him yet.  I don't know if it is because he is probably our last baby or if we are together more but I just can't get enough of his babyness.  However, my little sister in my sorority lost her dad this week.  Phil was always a supportive dad and didn't mind being around a bunch of girls; he only had daughters after all.  After a 2+ year battle with cancer, he passed on 9/23/11.  His service was beautiful and did a great job honoring this great man.  Thanks for being such a supportive dad to a great friend Phil.  You will be missed. 

So, B. kept both kids and I traveled just outside of Philly to be with some of my sorority sisters and support Sandy.  There was a perk of being able to sleep through the night.  But, did you know that both my kids slept through the night while I was gone.  WHAT?  They both ate great and behaved well, they were out of the house earlier than I can get them.  Then, I got home yesterday and K. woke up 2x in the night and for good at 5:40 am.  Maybe I should leave more often; well under better circumstances.

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