Friday, September 2, 2011


When I started working fewer hours and staying home with the kiddo's A. started having a hard time going to school.  She would ask after every nap and every morning if she was supposed to go to school.  If the answer was  yes, she would cry and say, "I just want to stay home with you".  I really think she was having a hard time with the transition to big sisterdom, confusion about when to go and when to stay at home, and she was bored at her old school.  As a result, we moved her school and she started going 3 days instead of 2.  We thought this might help the transition if there wasn't such a long time between school days.  Since moving schools, she still asks if she is going to school but asks with a smile on her face.  When she gets home, she says, "I be happy at school today."  However, she still cries right when we get there.  This is our conversation on our way to school today,
A: "Mommy, I'm going to have fun at school today. But, I'm going to cry when we get there." 
me: "Why?"
A: "That's what people do when they go to school."
me: "I don't think so.  I think you can make your own choice if you cry or not."
A: "No, you cry when you get to school.  Its what you do.  ok?"
me: "No, thats not ok.  Today when we go in, we'll look to see if other people are crying.  I think you get to make your own choice.  If no one is crying, then you shouldn't cry either"-- note: after I said this, I was hearing in my head, "If they jumped of a bridge would you?
A: ok

5 minute lapse as we enter the building to playing kids and a warm welcome
me: "No one is crying."
A: "ok, can I play the Dora puzzle."

These are my 2 thoughts on the morning:
1) Is conforming ok if she is conforming to a positive thing?
2) Really, 3 year old logic is ridiculous

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