Saturday, January 1, 2011

what is his name?

A is going through a phase where she wants to know everyone's name.  It may come from the fact that we are continuously throwing out baby names with no end in sight.  Regardless, I get the question, "Mommy, whats his name?" at least 2-3 times daily.  This question may encompass the people near us in the grocery line, the person driving the car next to us, or animals and people in books.  The problem is that the answer is never simple.  I now make up a name but if it is not to A's satisfaction she'll say, "No, silly Mommy, what is his name?"  This can go on for 3-4 minutes as I make up any name.  Finally, I'll say, "well you tell me his name."  She'll then say some name that I said at the very beginning of my string of 20 names.  The next predicament is remembering all of these random names given to pictures in books to prevent the same sequence from happening again.  Today, the scenario went like this... A is flipping through a cat book given by my aunt for Christmas as I am undecorating the Christmas tree. She comes upon a bulldog.  "Mommy, what's his name."  I start with my normals... "Judge, Buck, Teddy, Mister." 
"No, no, no, no"
A is getting frustrated b/c I obviously do not know the right name.  uuummmm  "Peter, Max (this name usually works for anything), Snoopy."
"No, silly mommy, his name" while emphatically pointing to the picture.
"I don't know, A, you tell me."
"Judge Ms. Stacy Collins."
"I should have known."

I'll probably remember this one but we'll see if it is the same next time we look at the book.

1 comment:

  1. I think my favorite part of this post if the fact that she calls you silly mommy. That's the best!
