1) Be a good listener
2) Be a good friend
3) Throw balls and not toys
Tonight at dinner, she did her typical conversation of "hows your day Daddy?" She then followed it up with, "you throw balls?" and "you listen to your teacher?" This started a conversation about what she thinks we do all day at work. I think she pictures us in a big room with our friends having circle time and playing with toys. She has been to B's golf course on several occasions so she probably thinks he has circle time on a really, really dirty floor and he and Mr. Jeff and Uncle Mark sing "wheels on the bus" and "if you are happy and you know it." Really, they drive around in golf carts, look up youtube videos, talk about sports, drink coffee, and climb on tractors. She'd probably like that day too.
The crazy thing is, she has never been to good ole hospital that I call work, but her perception of my day is probably pretty accurate. I can't tell you how many times in a day that I sing kid's songs or throw balls. I even tell people not to throw toys. I do an orientation group to talk about the date and the weather. I help people eat lunch at the same times she does. If we had nap time, it would pretty much be the same. What does that say about me... A could do my job...
Today was also a day of firsts.
1) first snow man... I was not present b/c I braved the completely clear roads and went to work on time. B said it was really fun. They played "fall on your butt." "Fall on your knees." "step in the snow" and then built the snowman. She has been talking to the snowman since then. My favorite conversation was something like this, "Don't go away into water."
(notice the size of the snow pants... They are 3T... she's a giant)
2) first shiner- I am proud to say that I was not present for this either. A was playing with one of her favorite toys... a giant box. Apparently she was opening and closing the front to "scare" Daddy. I guess she shut herself in a little to hard b/c she hit herself in the face REALLY hard. I don't think the picture does it justice but, her daddy was proud of the first black eye!
I love the "don't go away in to water" comment. Reminds me of the conversation the other night, I guess she's pretty fixated on that one these days, huh? It also reminds me of a blog I saw recently that had the steps to make an ice wreath. You do it in a bundt cake pan and put cranberries and other things in it. I'll try and find that and email it - it would be a fun thing to make with Belle if we get another few really cold days.