Thursday, February 6, 2014

granny panties

One week a year, Daddy heads out for the grass convention.  It's a week of a lot of golf, eating a lot of steak, drinking a lot of beverages, and somehow getting a little bit of work done.  It so happens that it is always the week where there is snow or some other environmental disaster.  I remember the blizzard of 2009 by having A. by myself and trying to shovel out of 24 inches of snow before I could park a car.  He remembers the blizzard of 2009 by me calling in tears trying to figure out how to clear a parking spot and sidewalk before I could even get into our door.  And, he may mention me clearing his car with a shovel resulting in a few little tiny scratches.

Though I love the years that I get to go with B, I actually have grown to love the week with the kids alone as well.  We are a little less structured, we go to bed a little later, and, when I finish the work at about 10:00, I sit in sweet silence for 30 ish minutes.  We don't let Daddy know that the table is cluttered and we leave the body wash on the shower seat.  It's not something that I would wish forever, but it is a nice quiet week alone.

However, it's not perfect...
On Saturday, I woke up and took a deep breath.  I knew it was going to be a crazy, packed day.  We started with  ice skating at 9:30- 10:00.  We hopped in the car and drove about 2 hours to see Dinosaur Train live.  The show was 1.5 hours.  It was cute except that K. was terrified of the dinosaurs that he typically loves.

 He sat on my lap and peeked through his hands the whole time.  The show was during nap time.  So, I expected that my tired little fearful kid would nap on the way home.  Boy was I wrong, he held on from 2-3:45 when we were about 5 miles from home. He then just lost his mind.  He cried at the top of his lungs until he feel asleep, yep 8 minutes from home at 4:20 in the afternoon.  A looked at me and said, "get your big boy pants on, this is going to be a mess."  I laughed so hard that I almost got into an accident.  We made a team decision that since we're girls, we're putting on our "granny panties" instead of our big boy pants.  We decided to barrel through the rest of the night.  K. was "uncooperative" to say the least.  He was most angry that A. kept telling him to put on his granny panties and buck up.  We made it to 7:00 with dinner and somehow a bath and then somehow they both fell asleep.  Yep, 7:40 and I was downstairs with a glass of wine.  We've got our granny panties on and were ready for the next few days.  See you soon, Daddy!

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