Wednesday, August 14, 2013

one whole hand

 How is it possible that this sweet little peanut is now 5 whole years old?  How did this sweet peaceful baby turn into a smart, confident, yet often bossy and directive little girl?

According to A., this is her life--

I'm one whole hand old!"
1. What is your favorite color?  "Blue, actually pink."
2. What is your favorite thing to do?  "help cook."
3. What is something that you learned?  "If you get paint into other paint, it will still turn out pretty because it makes everything look different."

4. If I were invisible for a day, I would--- "miss you"
5. Something Mommy always says to me-- "It's ok if you make a mess but you always have to clean it up."
6. What is the most amazing thing about you?  -- "I get to live with you."
 7. If you feel sad, what cheers you up?-- "Momma's hugs."

8. What makes you a good friend?-- "Kennedy saying that I can come over."

9. What do you want to be when you grow up?-- a vet
10. Where is you favorite place that you have been?  -- Oma and Papa's house
11. What is the grossest thing that you can think of?-- mud
12. If you could do anything in the whole wide world, what would you do?-- "I would go to Dutch Wonderland with mama."


Thank you for still being a mama's girl (even though you told me that I was the worst mom ever only a mere 2 nights ago).  I am incredibly proud of you.  I love your honesty, how intensely you love, and your amazing faith.  Since you have to keep growing older and older, please also keep growing kinder and kinder.  I love you!! Happy Birthday!


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