Saturday, June 8, 2013

time out

Timeout and K. do not mix.  It isn't that we haven't tried it, and we occasionally still use it, but he just doesn't respond to timeout.  Here's why
1) sometimes he weighs his options.  He will slowly walk up to A., hold his hand as if to hit her, pause, actively make the choice to hit her, and then put himself in timeout.  So, he obviously knows it is wrong and the reaction is worth the timeout.  We tried to tell her not to react because that's what he wants.  But, really, who doesn't react when they are being hit by a abnormally tall and strong 2 year old 
2) sometimes he just stays in timeout.  The other day I put him in timeout because he was running by the stove over and over while it was on.  So, he probably couldn't get hurt but still, running in the house isn't really something we encourage and running in front of a hot propane burner is definitely not encouraged.  After he sat for a minute, I went over to talk to him.  We did the usual, "why did mommy make you sit here."  He even gave me a good answer, "uummmm runnin hot."  ok, say you are sorry and get up.  nope.  He sat in the spot for 15 minutes.  We all sat down to eat.  We asked him to come to the table.  nope.  He just wanted to sit in that spot.  So, now what do I do, punish him for sitting in timeout too long.  
3) sometimes he plays timeout.   

A very bad tiger had just knocked over a poor innocent lion
He has his animals sit near each other and make obvious bad decisions like jump on each other or dive off of the train table.  They go one by one into timeout until everyone is sitting in one corner.  Then they all say sorry and come out only to do the same thing again.  I don't even know where to go with this.

So, any ideas.  Or should my abnormally tall and strong toddler also become an nonpunishable toddler.

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