We are fighting a case of the gimmies in our house. I don't know if it is because we no longer have On Demand so commercials are now present in our house, if A. just goes to stores much less frequently, or if she sees us buying a lot of things for the house so she just wants everything. Regardless, the entire time that we are in a store she says, "Can I have that?" or "Tiny really needs that." I think I counted 22 times that I said "no" while we were in Homegoods the other day. Yes, I said Homegoods, not Toys R Us or even Target.
So, we have combated with 2 different strategies. 1) the kindness counter -- A. drew 8 ways to be nice to people and then earned stickers when we "caught" her being nice. One of her ways was to keep her hands to herself and not touch every single thing that she wanted. Lets just say, it is the picture with only 1 sticker. Combine her lack of success and my lack of follow through and we needed a new idea.
2) the money jar. She picks 1 object at a time that she wants and then has to earn the money to pay for it. 1st, Tiny NEEDED some new toys. Specifically, she needed a "boppy pillow just like real kids have so she can practice sitting up." I found her a cervical pillow that fits her perfectly and A. earned $7.00 to pay for it.
Sorry, just a picture of Tiny obviously not yet sitting up in her boppy pillow. She has to get a little older first. |
Her next item is Stompeez. If you're not familiar it's because they are a ridiculous thing that really doesn't ever need to be purchased. by. anyone. They are slippers that when you walk ears flop up and down. They cost $10.00. My girl is washing cars, mopping floors, folding clothes, and cleaning her room just so that she can earn squishy, floppy eared slippers. However, the gimmies are not curbed. Now they have progressed to, "Can I get that to earn next."
Any other ideas?
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