Wednesday, December 5, 2012

k.'s first story

This actually happened in October and I wrote then too.  I just never took the time to upload the video.  So, travel a month back and time and ...

We are getting ready to move.  Hopefully, our house will be done in mid December.  That means we have to get this one ready to rent out.  My dad and B. spent last weekend fixing up the house while the kids and I spent time with my mom at their new home.  They did A LOT of work but one of the biggest things was removing all of the baby gates.  No problem, we though, both kids are used to the steps at this point.

Turns out, we were wrong.  Literally 1 minute after B. put the fishing touch of paint on the newly spackled hole in the wall, K. rode his little car down. the. steps.  Needless to say, crying ensued.  It didn't last very long and luckily he wasn't hurt.  A few minutes later, he told B. what happened... his first story was very effective in 4 words.  He then told it to me and then since we all laughed, he told it over, and over, and over, and over.  Even the next morning...

His speech therapist will be so proud.

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