Friday, October 28, 2011

yell "fish"

I have a confession... I am cheap.  I LOVE yard sales and consignment sales.  My kids have mostly used toys and clothes, and they don't know any different.  So, when my friend Emily found A. this puppet show stage for A. at a yard sale, I was really excited.  It will foster creativity, its recycling, and it was cheap.  To boot, this particular puppet stage also came with some puppets. Now, here comes the problem with used toys.  The finger puppets are a knight, a dinosaur, a dog, a shrek like monster, 2 long haired girls, and then a dog hand puppet.  Interesting...  We got out this stage today to put on a show outside.  I challenged A. to put on a show with all of the puppets.  I was really interested to see what she could come up with.  Here is her show

Let me set the scene:  a lizard finger puppet and dog hand puppet are held up on the stage.  A.'s head is fully visable as well.

A. When you see a fish, yell "fish."

long pause....
Me as I realize she is waiting for me to yell:  I don't see a fish.
A. When you see a fish, yell "fish"
Me:  you have a lot of puppets and none are a fish.  I won't see a fish
A. Just yell fish
Me: fish
A. (no puppets have moved) when you see a cow, yell "cow"
yelling "cow"  I still don't see one!!
Me (laughing yet looking at her like she's crazy): Again, you don't have a cow.  I won't see one
A:(yelling at the top of her lungs) "cow", "horse", "boy"
Me: Is this the puppet show because no puppet is moving?

Well, that was the end of the performance because she then decided she wanted to be a puppet and climb into the stage.  So, she still has some time for her acting and play writing to develop before I send her to Hollywood.  See now, I am thankful that it was a used toy.

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