Tuesday, June 21, 2011


K. is a fantastic night time sleeper but this kid will not sleep during the day.  For me, he takes a cat nap in the early morning, middle of the day, and then again at about 6:00.  For my fabulous babysitter, he sleeps 4 hours.  I just don't get it.  I feed him, swaddle him, lay him down... nothing works.  I haven't let him cry it out because it hurts my heart and my ears.  Today, we reached a breaking point.  A was on her way to sleep and K was SCREAMING.  He was sooo tired but would not go to sleep.  I was about to scream as well. So, I put him out on the deck.  Before you report me to CPS, it was only 77 degrees, he was in the shade, and on my upstairs deck that no one else could get to.  In other words, he was safe.  I regained my sanity after about 2 minutes and went to go get him and this is what I found....
a nice calm baby

So, now we have a dilemma. I brought down a fan so that he would be cool enough and left him there. I checked about 5 minutes later and this is what I found...
a sleeping baby. 

So, it may have put a damper, yet again, on my application for parent of the year but today he will nap outside and we will all be a bit better off.

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