Saturday, January 12, 2013

oh the change

"I'm not hungry, I'm never tired, and I. know. it. all"  This literally came out of my child's mouth this morning.
photo from Emily St. Louis photography
Yes, this sweet little girl is having a bit of difficult time with the transition.  She has a lot going on in her sweet little mind and I"m afraid that her typically sassy yet genuinely nice personality has somehow been consumed by an evil TV demanding, yelling at everyone, I'm always right alien.

It's Saturday morning at 8:30 and we have already had a reiteration of "the move is hard on everyone but we are going to be respectful to our family" talk 3 times.  (It's a followup to the the 5 times we had it yesterday) We have tried remodeling her sentences to, "I think you mean to say you miss playing with your friend Circe, not mom you are no fun. ever"  She has been to timeout 3 times.  And, then she pulled all the books off of the shelf just because she wanted attention.  I think the alien that took her over may have also turned her back into a 1 year old.

My answer: I scheduled a play date with the 5 year old little girl down the street.  It could be the totally wrong answer.  I could be rewarding the horrendous behavior that is appearing from my child.  Or, it could give her a friend, which she misses, and push the awful, rude, terrible alien away from our otherwise peaceful house.

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