Saturday, June 16, 2012

vacation emotions

It isn't a secret that I am constantly trying to simplify our life.  The main solution is moving away from traffic and the busyness that is surburban America; that will happen in due time.  However, I feel that in the mean time, this quest is a constant work in progress.  If it isn't organizing a closet to ease getting out of the house in the morning, it is slowing down our daily activities and plans to make sure that we are home to play.  Despite my efforts, I still feel like we are constantly in motion.  Vacation was a different story.  We didn't set alarms, we followed the kids lead and played all day long.  I know that this is unrealistic and we can't always live like that, but it was soo refreshing for a week.  Not only did I feel better, but the kids were different too.  A. was MUCH more cooperative and K. seemed more outgoing.  On the last morning, as we were cleaning out the pantry, there were 2 cookies left.  My kids have a definite sweet tooth that I try hard to manage and monitor all the time.  On this morning, I looked at their well behaved, relaxed, beach tanned faces and handed them a cookie for breakfast.  Then I teared up because I want those well behaved, relaxed faces all the time.  Now, how do I make that happen?

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