Monday, June 18, 2012

potty talk

As with most preschoolers, a lot of our life revolves around the toilet.  This leads to humor on a daily basis.  Here are some recent conversations that I feel the need to share though I know this could lead to hatred from my daughter in about 10 years.

1. A. has been potty trained since 22 months.  But, she can not make it through the night without a pull up for the life of her.  Recently, we started lifting.  I'm not sure why there is a name for a technique that basically means we take her to the bathroom before we go to bed, but there is.  We carry this poor sleeping child to the toilet every night.  Most of the time, she does not even wake up yet she does her deed and then makes it the rest of the night.

Other times, she does wake up and then we have the most interesting, deep conversations, well, as deep as a 3 year old can be.  "Mommy, why do we clean up all the time when we just make more messes." -- good question A.

2. Using public bathrooms with little kids is... disgusting.  My inner germaphobe goes crazy everytime I sit her down.  I try the paper covers but for some reason, her little hands find the one uncovered spot every. single. time.  "Mommy, why do  you cover this potty up?" she asks.  "Well, to protect from germy butts." I reply.  "Oh, like the old lady who was leaving.  She must have a germy butt."  Now, how do you answer these questions without laughing.  I did.  I laughed hysterically and now she says that every old lady has a germy butt to get my reaction.  I still laugh because it doesn't get old, at least not until she tells an little cute old lady that she has a germy butt.

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