Thursday, March 22, 2012

what if

The " why" has now been replaced with "what if" in our house.  A. no longer asks us "why" every 12 seconds, but now has a million what if questions instead.

Last night at dinner, B. had to leave the table for a few to answer the phone.  For some reason, he went outside to finish his conversation.  While he was gone, this was our conversation.

A. What if Daddy could never come back inside?

me: well, he would probably get cold since he didn't take any blankets and he might get tired since he doesn't have anything to sleep on out there.

A. What if we could never go outside to see him.

me: well, we would get really bored because we would run out of things to do if we could never leave.  And, we would get hungry if we could never go to the store to buy more food.

A. What if we only bought apples at the store.

me: I would get hungry because I don't really like to eat apples that often.

A: and K would be sick because apples make him poop.

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