Friday, February 3, 2012


These are things that my 3 and almost 1/2 year old says that I don't want to forget...

"This is taking for a long time"-- everything takes for a long time:  the trip to school, Mommy washing the dishes, her clock to turn green in the morning, K. to wake up from his nap etc. etc. etc.

"I'm going to tell you a question."  -- this comes before any story.  Yesterday her "question" was that she was playing teacher at school and she told her friend that she had to be the student and she was Ms. molly and they said the pledge of allegiance.  It was one riveting question.  Hopefully, she'll get her story telling skills from her father and not her mother as I am a notoriously bad story teller.

Don't "lell" -- A. can't say her "y's" yet so yellow and yell both start with an L.  I think it is one of the last ties to toddlerhood and I LOVE it.

She also has this somewhat annoying, somewhat funny habit of shortening her nouns to 1 syllable words which takes some reading into the context of each situation.  "Can I have some wa?"  "Can we open the wind?"  B.'s  favorite is "Ma!"  He then taught her to follow "Ma."  with "Where's the meatloaf?"  So, we now have our very own wedding crasher in the house.  Fun times.

She sings half of her day away.  Now, this is not necessarily pretty singing or singing of songs.  However, it's more of I sing what I should be saying yet to some sort of a tune.  Well, her own tune.

Sorry it's sideways...

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