Why is it that little girls love princesses? I have not led A. towards princesses AT ALL. I wouldn't say that I pulled her away from them but I definitely have not pushed her towards frilly tutus, wands, or anything Disney. She watched her first movie the other day and it was Dolphin Tale; she has never seen any Disney movie. Yet, my child has a favorite princess, wants to name her child Aurora, chose 3 princesses to sit in her prize cabinet until she earns them (3 stupid little dolls and their matching princes for $21.00 eewww), and has already decided to have a fairy birthday party... in 6 MONTHS.
Painting her princess castle that she made to house the princesses that she does not yet own. |
her favorite toy, princess dress up dolls send by her god mother
K. on the other hand pushes a pink grocery cart, has hand me down pink towels, and drinks out of a pink cup. He loves art supplies and the play kitchen.
Gotta love that kid!
Princesses, embrace them or fight them?
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