Friday, December 23, 2011

Only in America

We went to go see Santa a few days ago.  Not only did we go see him, but we went to Bass Pro Shops at the closest outlet mall.  Now, are you picturing the type of people that were also vising such a fine establishment?

We got there at about 4:57.  3 minutes before Santa was taking his hour long break for dinner.  We were told that we had to wait until he got back.  But, the family behind us that happened to be large and rather scary looking that were ALL wearing their Ravens jerseys did make the cut.  Apparently, one of them worked there...

We were left with 1 hour to kill before A. could climb on Santa's lap.  A. and B. had a blast.  Here are a few of their great adventures...

there just are no words for this picture

 K. and I quietly obliged them.

About 5:40, I left all of the fun to go stand in line again.  This time, the line was about 15 people deep.  It wasn't too bad but I'm glad the kids weren't standing with me.  Here are my observations...

1. A lady standing in front of me on facebook the ENTIRE time as her daughter proceeded to pull the entire display of camouflage onsies off of the shelf.

2. A shelf full of antifreeze surrounding the play area so that when A. came up she immediately ran over to the pretty pink liquid and tried to open it.

3. A woman that brought 2 different dresses for her child to wear.  I guess, she was going to force her child up there 2 times.  Said child proceeded to run around and cry the entire time and her mother was literally chasing her down the women's clothing aisle.  I don't think that she got her into either of the dresses as she missed her turn.

4. 3 teenagers who went to sit on his lap. They all wanted Kinects.

Now, on to the good...
1. A little boy who write his letter to Santa that said something like, "I want my family to get what they want and be happy."

2. My sweet little girl that was so brave that she walked right up to Santa and sat down.  She asked for Charlie Brown "night nights" and for her brother to have a good day.
Here is A. dropping her letter to Santa in the box. 
 Merry Christmas!!!

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