Thursday, December 15, 2011

Are you happy?

"Are you happy?"  I must hear this about 25-30 times daily.  A. asks this every time she thinks she has done something wrong.  Here are some from the past 2 days...
1. We are at the dinner table and A. decides to take the bottle that she has made for baby and put it into her glass of milk.  B. has thoroughly explained water displacement theory (seriously) to her several times.  But surprisingly, it seems a little over her head.  "Are you happy, Mommy?" 

2. 5 minutes later after we have cleaned up and gotten her a new glass of milk, A. falls off her chair onto the floor.  Her milk goes with her.  "Are you happy, Mommy?"

3. A. is making macaroni and cheese for baby which includes water in 2 tupperware containers with a few macaroni noodles.  She is dumping one container into the other because, obviously, that is necessary when making macaroni for your doll.  She dumps the entire container on the floor.  "Are you happy, Mommy?"  She then says, "I bet Daddy won't be happy, he hates wet feet."  -- true statement as wet feet are one of B.'s greatest displeasures in life.

4. We are getting ready to go to school this morning and A. would rather play with the dog and with K. than put her shoes on.  "Are you happy, Mommy." 

She sometimes takes this to the next level.  "Mommy, you're not happy, you have those lines between your eye brows."  I guess she knows "the look" though it apparently isn't very effective.

My answers are kind of difficult.  Yes, I am happy because in the grand scheme of things, I don't really care about spilled milk or shoes in a timely manner.  But, usually, she is asking the question because she knows what she is doing is not the best idea.  I tried explaining happy and frustrated at the same time but just like water displacement theory, this seems a bit over her head.  So, for now, we'll go with the simple answer of "no" and then turn my back and laugh.

How can you not be happy with these two cuties as your kids?

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