Monday, November 21, 2011

back to the beginnings

A. has been quite into weddings since we went to a wedding a few weeks ago (Congrats Kerry and Joey!!!).  Anyway, while Daddy was away golfing, A. and I watched our wedding video.  I don't know what we paid that videographer, not much since it was his first shot, but it was worth every single penny.

Here are my favorite quotes:
A- "Mommy, you are the BEST bride." 
A.- "Mommy, how did your hair get so big."
A- "Where do brides get their clothes?"
A- "When I get bigger and marry Daddy, can I wear that bride dress?"

A- "Look, Gram is there to dance with Gramps.  She's so pretty."
A- "Why was Aunt Pam crying?"

 Scene- me on the dance floor with some of the people from my church youth group.
A- "Where is daddy?"
Me- "I don't know." 
A- "Oh, probably getting a drink."

A- "When can I marry daddy?"-- I answered that I already married Daddy and that so no one else could marry him.  I told her that we promised God and all our family that we would love each other forever.  Her answer-- "Was God at your wedding?"

1 comment:

  1. I can't decide what my favorite comment is. I love that she calls it the bride dress, but I also love that she knew B was off getting a drink. Such a smart lil munchkin! :-)
