Tuesday, May 31, 2011


A comes from a long line of doers.  Her grandparents and great grand parents are/ were military,  teachers, secret service, a social worker, a pharmacist, and a christian educator.  Her Granny J now spends her retirement serving and encouraging others to do so.  So, A has observed many people giving to others in her short life.  This weekend was my father's retirement party and instead of accepting gifts, he collected items for SERVE, the local homeless shelter.  A. helped us carry all of the items in the house and talked about how they were going to be given to people that didn't have food.  No food is a very foreign concept to my child that eats about 50 times a day.  But, it definitely got the wheels turning.  This morning, I left her at her craft table putting stickers on paper while I went up to take a shower.  When I came back down, she had post its everywhere and was "writing" on each one.  When I asked what she was doing, slightly annoyed by the huge mess, she said, "I"m doing a paper project to give to people who don't have paper."  Shame on me for being annoyed with the mess.  So, we put the pig and penguin shaped post its in an envelope and mailed it to "those who don't have paper." aka my parents house b/c 1) I don't really know where to send scribbled upon post its and 2) I wanted to save her first service project to put in her memory box.  In the spirit of A. and the words of Granny J, get out and give back!

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