Here's the timeline of probably the best weekend ever...
Saturday 3/5/11. We celebrate B.'s 30th birthday with our family. B. got a HUGE grill as a combination gift from everyone; perfect to cook the salmon, shrimp, steak, and bread. According to A., "Good party with fish, cake, and balloons." She gave him 2 dinosaur books because, "Daddy loves dinosaurs." ...ok...

B. and I get up to go to our couple's massage. We are finally going after we bought it for our Valentine's gift in 2010. However, little guy made us change our minds, something I will remind him of every year on his birthday. We went to the hospital at 9:00 and were discharged at 9:45 and told that sometime in the next few days, our little guy would arrive. I knew he was coming that day but agreed. We went to Michaels to get stuff for A. to make shirts for her new baby brother... my contractions were about 6 minutes apart. We went to target to get a few things... my contractions were about 4 minutes apart. We went to the mall to walk and get lunch. . . my contractions were about 2 minutes apart and I found myself hating all of the people pushing their already born kids around the mall. Side note: as we were in the mall we stopped in Williams & Sonoma, can you believe that salt grinders range from $40-$80? B. drove like a totally crazy man to the hospital. I told him it didn't matter if we were having a kid if he knocked me out of the car but he was feeling a little nervous. We got back to the hospital at 11:45 and the nurse's eyes were huge at how fast everything was going. At 3:20, my water broke and the baby's heart rate dipped. The NICU team was called in and I was told I could try for about 15 minutes before they would take me back for a c section. His heart rate came up after about 10 so they gave me a little longer. At 3:40, K. was welcomed into the world by me, B., my great friend, 3 nursing students, a doctor, and an audience of about 10 NICU nurses. He was perfect!!!!
The story gets better... stay tuned for part 2
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