Thursday, October 4, 2012

it's someone's birthday

Well, K's isn't until March and A just had her birthday so who could it be?  That's right, this morning I woke up to, "Mommy, it is Baby Bella's birthday today" You may remember her from here.

Well, lucky us, she apparently turned 4 today (well on 9/22/12).  Then A said she was 2, then when we only had a number 1 candle, she magically turned 1.  Funny thing about birthday's is that in our house that apparently means you get a friend party and a family party.  So, Baby Bella had a party out in the square complete with presents that she wrapped up from K.'s toy bin .

I guess a lot of A.'s friends also enjoy impromptu doll birthday parties.

Of course, birthday's also mean a cake.  Really, why not have an excuse to bake and dump food coloring and sprinkles onto home made cream cheese frosting.  We made this for her "family party" on sunday with Baby Bella's great grandparents.

Yes, we save the candles. Why buy the same number over and over again?  hehe

Interestingly enough, A. woke up on Monday morning, obviously the morning after we finished the delicious banana cake, saying it was Matthew's birthday.  We decided that even if it is his day, he needs to wait and celebrate at least until the weekend.

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