Tuesday, September 18, 2012

small annoyances

There are a lot of small annoyances when having small kids.  I know that I will forget these things as I get farther and farther from having infants.
1. The top shelf of the dishwasher is always full first.  It doesn't matter if I prepare an elaborate dinner or if we eat out.  Those little plastic cups and separated dishes must go on the top shelf and they take up a lot of space.  Then, add in the little basket thingy for the sippy cup valves and small sized silverware and there is no way that there is enough space.  I either run the dishwasher with an empty bottom shelf or run the risk of thirsty kids.

2. I know I've talked about the sleeping patterns of my kids a lot.  But, waking up on weekends at 0530 is no fun.  However, somehow my kids little bodies always know when we have to be somewhere.  These are the days that they sleep in.  Inevitably, they sleep until 7:20 on Thursdays when I have a meeting at work at 8:30.  Sunday's, we run the same risk when we have to be at church at 9.

3. K. is in a time where he needs 2 a days.  This is not the 2 a day sports practices that I'm sure we will encounter later, its the 2 a day baths.  He has this new obsession with hats.  Anything and everything is a hat.  This includes his peanut butter topped English muffin for breakfast and his fork from his spaghetti. It is cute when he says, "at".  but, it is not cute when i'm trying to get out the door in the morning and his cereal bowl is dripping milk down his cheek...

K with his applesauce container as his "at" and chocolate dripping down his face...

Acting like my little brother is soooo funny!

4. A is starting to get more and more independent.  Most of the time I love it.  But today, we were running late as usual because of the above mentioned 2  a days and she insisted on getting herself dressed.  After we went on our typical search for shoes, even though she has a designated spot for her shoes to go when she gets in from school, we were ready to go.  We got out to the car and she says, "Mommy, I'm not wearing any underwear."  uuummmm... what?  Apparently, she forgot to put them on under her dress.  So, back into the house because we can't have naked butts on the monkey bars.

I know I'm going to need this small reminder for myself when I have teenagers and I'm worrying about beer glasses in my dishwasher, teenagers sleeping late, 2 a day sports practices, and...girls with no underwear.  AAAHHHH

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