Sunday, August 7, 2011

promise promise

Somehow A. picked up the phrase, "you promise?" and added it into her daily repertoire... about 100 times daily.  I make promises about minor things such as we can have yogurt for snack.  I also make promises about major things like yes, I will still love you while I"m at work.  However, these promises are not enough anymore.  Now, I have to promise, promise.  Here is what I have promise promised so far today
1) I promise promise that it was the dog that tooted and not K
2) I promise promise that you are not going to school after nap, you will go on Monday and Wednesday
3) I promise promise that K will stay in the nursery with you during church
4) I promise promise that the backpack we bought is for a girl that doesn't already have a backpack
5) I promise promise that we will have a polka dot birthday cake for you next week.
6) finally, I promise promise that I will still love you while you are sleeping. 

I wonder how long it will be before she has to learn about broken promises.  I hope that lesson doesn't come from me but at the rate that I am promising things, it just may be an early lesson.  

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