Monday, August 22, 2011

first day of school

The interviewer, me.  The interviewee, A. after her first day of preschool:

How was your day?  Good, I didn’t cry.  Well, I cried a little before nap because I was missin you.  But then, I woked up and Ms. T said we couldn’t play babies .  We played put the bears in the cups.  The other boy, the one next to me, he couldn't put the purple's together.  I helped him. 
Were you a bossy helper or a nice helper?  I wasn't bossy, I just put the purples in.  I didn't grab.
Did you have a job?  Once upon a time, I be the caboose.  I told everyone to march or walk.

Did you read a book?  It was a dog that growed big

What was your favorite thing?  Swings

Did you do any art?  Sure, I painted.  I brought my project in so you can see it.  It was a basketball.

Who were your friends?  It was somebody’s birthday party.  I don’t remember her name. The cupcakes were yummy though?

Did you like your teachers?  Yes.  Ms. T and Ms. M.  Ms. T played with me.

How was circle time?  Good, Ms. T told me the weather then we put our hands on our head.  I was a good listener in a circle.

How was your nap?  Good, but I growed too big for the mat.  I just kept falling off and off.  The other childs stayed on.
This all took about 15 minutes, the new commute to her school.  She then started chanting the name of her school and running around. 

Later, as we she was going to bed, she began singing a new song.  Here are the words that we understood so far… “Thank you for the North and the food, Thank you for the food and the North.”  I’m thinking that we might be missing some of the words.  Maybe she’ll get it as time goes on.  Overall, I’d say it was a VERY successful first day of 3 year old preschool!  Nothing makes me happier than knowing she is happy, safe, and learning while we are at work!

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