Wednesday, November 17, 2010

a turkey day egg hunt?

Tonight B and A made a visit down to the storage closet aka substitute for no garage aka collector of all randomness. Their purpose was to find some tools so A could help with the closet reorganization in her big sister room. However, she found the Easter eggs and her little basket with her name on it that her daycare teacher made for her. So, B reorganized the big sister closet and A and I had an egg hunt. My first thought was to be somewhat educational and talk about how turkeys lay eggs and it's almost Thanksgiving when we celebrate everything good throughout the year blah blah blah. Anyway, she looked at me like I was crazy and told me to hide the eggs. Her 2 year old mind probably doesn't remember Easter and definitely does not remember Thanksgiving. So, we just had an egg hunt. I went first. I hid them in open areas where she could see them though she was peeking through her open fingers the entire time I hid them. As I predicted, she magically knew where they all were but had a blast counting all 6 eggs. Then it was her turn to hide them. While I closed my eyes, she hid all eggs... in one spot. I opened my eyes and she said, "look Mommy, I hid all the eggs right here." B now joins in the fun to help her hide them. I close my eyes again and when she's ready she says, "Mommy find the egg in the drawer and under Cooley's bed." The third try B thought he would be funny and hide 1 in my pocket of my jacket and maybe I wouldn't feel it. Maybe, if A then didn't hide the other 5 in my pocket laughing out loud as I covered my eyes and laughed as quietly as possible. We'll obviously need some more practice before Easter, maybe we'll hide paper turkeys next time.

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