Monday, August 27, 2012

yellow room here we come

A. had her first day in the 4 year old classroom at preschool today.  This is her response.

Me: Tell me about your day.
A.: Well, they don't let me eat my chocolate after lunch.  Only fruit snacks or a juice box.  They have lots of blocks and I played with them.  We have jobs but I didn't get one.  The frog feeder gets the frog food and put it in where the frogs are.  I sleeped up in the loft but I was really comfy.  It was special.  Maybe since I just got in there, they let me do that.

Me: What did you do first?
A: We runned around and played.

Me: What was your favorite thing?
A.: Going outside to play.  I played with my friends on the slide.

Me: Who are your friends?
A: Jackie, but she's not in my class.  Annaleise, she likes to play with me on the slide.

Me: Do you like your teachers?  Yeah, Ms. Jessica and Ms. Debbie and Ms. Heather.  They worked in my class all day.  I like them because they are my teachers and they are really nice.

A.: Thats all.

Don't you love the velcro sneakers with dress look.  Dress was A.'s idea, shoes are what they require at school.  It makes for a fashionista.

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