Thursday, August 9, 2012

like father like son

I already had a post about A. and her father.  They are EXACTLY alike.  K. on the other hand has a very different personality.  A. and B. change the entire atmosphere of a room when they walk into it.  K. walks in, surveys his surroundings and then decides what to do.  K. is flexible, he just goes with the flow.  A. and B. like to know exactly what is going to happen before it happens.

However, K. and B. share 1 specific love... golf.  Golf is the only thing that K. will watch on TV.  He will walk over with a remote and say "go" then sit on the couch and wait for a view of the greens.

He walks around with a golf club as if it is attached to his right hand.

He hits anything and everything that looks like a small ball; blocks, dog toys, balls, even a grape that fell on the floor.  The most impressive thing is that he actually comes into contact with the ball with a golf club designed for a preschooler.  But, watch your step when you are in my house because you never know where that ball is going to land:)

1 comment:

  1. just like his uncle too :) must be a collins man thing
