Tuesday, August 14, 2012

look who is 4 today!!

This girl whom took 21 hours to make her entrance in to the world but was met with such joy.

This girl whom started walking at 11 months and has been practically running since that time.

This girl whom at 2 years old was already talking so much that we had a hard time saying a full sentence with out being interrupted.

8/27/11 first day of preschool

This girl whom at 3 years old could swing her moods from the happiest most polite girl to a screaming temper tantrum.  This girl whom was described as the nicest girl in school by the director of her preschool yet treated her best friend as her enemy until we rewarded good behavior.  This girl whom in the last week of being 3 figured out how to cross the monkey bars all by herself, ride a bike with 1 training wheel, read an alphabet book to her brother recognizing all but 1 letter, and all of a sudden started saying please and thank you and carried her dishes to the sink.  This girl whom can make her momma so filled with joy and so happy to be leaving the 3 year old stage.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe she's 4. Amazing.

    Also, I like the new look to the blog! Is your cover photo going to change soon too?
