Monday, August 25, 2014

1st grade

This is the same interview that we did on the first day of kindergarten.
1. What was your favorite thing?  My favorite thing at school was probably, like, recess.  Now I can go on the tire swing with Emily.
2.  What friends did you meet?  Oh, I meeted this girl named, I think, wait, a boy but he wasn't in my class.  He was the baddest one in Ms. Woodfields class.  He was in the green shirt with a number on it and hair like Luke.
3.  What did you learn?  I learned, hhmmm, oh, I learned that if somebody else is talking, you should raise your hand until the teacher calls your name.
4.  How was your lunch?  It was amazing.  I sat next to Emily S.  She had to move so she sat across from me and I was surrounded by boys.  They were so wierd.  They kept pretending to be a dinosaur and pretending bite me.  I am number 3 in my class and the boys were number 1 and 2
5.  What do you want to do when you grow up?  I want to be a farmer and a day care worker.
6.  Anything else that you want to tell me?  I AM 6 and I turned 6 last week, by the way.

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