Wednesday, July 10, 2013


K. and I have been on our own since Sunday.  A. is at my mom's for Bible School and B. has been away for work.  (Where does a golf course superintendent go for work you ask.  That's right, it's a golf tournament...)  K. is a totally different kid with out his sister.  He is chatty chatty.  Usually, at the dinner table, he will say 1 or 2 sentences in between everyone else's conversations.  He might get a "Holy Night" somewhere thrown in there, or his new random word, "Happy."  However, this week, he hasn't shut up.  Last night at dinner we had kale chips, watermelon, and a hot dog.  He asked me about every single food, then kept repeating the words.  Maybe to fill the silence.  Then the rest of the conversation went something like this
K:  Mommy, happy
Me: Yep, I"m happy.  Are you happy?
K: hot dog happy?
Me: I guess.  eat it and see if your tummy is happy
K: takes a bite.  Yep, tummy happy.  Knee happy?

I think you get the point.  We pretty much went over every food and every body part to make sure that we are all happy.  It probably took 15 minutes.  15 minutes of just chatting with my boy and being happy.

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