Wednesday, March 20, 2013


This is the playroom where my children play.

It is a glorious mess after about 2 minutes.

 My husband is happy because he can just shut the door and the rest of our house is not covered in toys.  I am happy because there are labels and bins and toys and blocks and trains.  oh my!

K. and A. are just now really starting to play together. However, their play almost always ends in a fight because, according to A., "K. just doesn't make sense."

Scenerio 1: playing firehouse
A. what is the emergency?
K.  uh oh lion
A. it is not a problem with a lion K.
K. lion bath
A. no, don't put the lion in the bath tub. I just want an emergency

me: I think a lion in the bath tub would be a real emergency.

ok.  fireman removes said lion and passes it to elmo whom then places the lion in a truck

Daddy: fire at the train station
A. Mommy, let's go
me: ok wouu wouuu fire engine on it's way
K. dinosaur train
A. no dinosaurs on the train
K. dinosaur train
me: that would be a real emergency if a dinosaur was on the train.  Stand back dinosaurs or I'll take you to jail
A. begins to pick up the dinosaurs with elmo and throw them into jail.

I try to partake and A. says, "we are done playing that now."

Obviously, K. doesn't make sense but elmo taking dinosaurs to jail and lions in trucks does make sense .  How I love 2 and 4 year old minds.

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