Thursday, July 21, 2011

did I just say that?

Jane, my mother in law, and I always talk about the sentences that we never thought we would speak.  B has the best, a sentence that I don't think anyone else in the world can say... "I was peed on by a lion while protecting the baby Jesus."  Yes, it actually happened when we were working the living nativity at our church in Richmond.  And, yes, the lion was real and B pushed him through in his cage while wearing a very short skirt.  His only rule was to throw himself in front of the cage if the lion was going to pee on Jesus.  It happened and he smelled REALLY badly. 

Anyway, in addition to the phrase "talk nicely" that I have said about 100x already today, I have found myself saying a lot of unexpected things to A lately.  Here are a few...

"Don't drive that car over your brother's face"
"I don't know what a fob is A, that is a ... tampon"
"Well, Daddy likes water and milk too, but he also likes beer."
"Girls don't pee outside in the yard, we pee in the potty."-- this was after she saw our neighbor pull down his pants and pee in the flower bed.  NICE

1 comment:

  1. Too funny! Thanks for sharing. Moments you'll want to look back on and remember. Your little ones are darling!!
