Thursday, April 14, 2011

a third child?

Right after we got married, people started asking if we were having children.  Then, after A. was born, we got the question of , "when is the next one?"  Now K. is here, people ask, "are you finished or will you have a third?"  My general answer is that we are really just enjoying the 2 that we have for now and we'll worry about that later.  But, the truth is, we already have 3 kids.  The third, Baby Bella Collins, is the most high maintenance.  Well, I guess you could call her our grandchild b/c A. is technically her mother. However, as with most young mothers, the care falls to someone else or CPS would be called.   Baby Bella has to have socks and shoes and a coat when we leave, she gets her own little bowl of food at dinner, she gets her diaper changed the allowed 2 times daily, she gets buckled into her own seat in the car. 

This all started as a good plan to have her take care of her own baby while I took care of K.  The plan has officially backfired.  Bella adds an additional 15-20 minutes before we get out of the house to go anywhere and if it isn't all completed, we get a serious temper tantrum.  In fact the other day, I got so frustrated after trying to get out of the house to make it to storytime before the story ended that I said, "damnit A." and picked her up and put her into her seat.  This was momentous because 1) I really do not lose my cool very often  2) I really don't curse very often.  So, I'm sure you can understand how mortified I was when A. yelled "Jammit Bella" when she couldn't get Bella's snaps on her jacket to her perfectionist view.  Now, here was my dilemma, do I correct it when it isn't even the word?  I chose to ignore and I ignored it again when yesterday she said "Jammit shoes" when her shoes fell and were really loud.  I think I'll continue to ignore it b/c 1) jammit only resembles the word damnit (ok this may be a stretch) 2) she uses it appropriately (ridiculous I know) and 3) if i call attention to it she probably will use it more. 

Here is Bella with mommy on our way to Costco.  She typically sits in the front seat but does not leave the car when we get out.  I can't imagine the repercussions if we lost Bella!  So, since I was in the front seat, so did Baby Bella. 

The real moral of the story is 3 children does not bring out the best in us so stop asking, jammin.

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