Thursday, February 24, 2011

yelley yellerton

We've been having some trouble with A. yelling.  This is not a AAAHHHH but a "No, Mommy, Stop it."  Imagine starting to say the blessing before dinner and getting an emphatic "NO, I DO IT."  I just about jump out of my chair.  She also yells at the dogs, "COOLEY GET IN YOUR CRATE."  Its so loud that instead of going, he cowers in the corner.  I am somewhat of a jumpy person but everytime this happens I react so she gets my attention; hence the reinforcement of the yelling.  We've been trying to either not respond at all or make her start her statement again but wow does that get old fast.  So, any advice on how to wrangle in a 2 year old screamer?

1 comment:

  1. I have no advice to offer, just a comment that your post title made me think of Happy Happerton for the first time in YEARS! I wonder if he'll be breaking out his St. Patricks Day earrings soon? :-)
