My all time favorite phase of having an infant is the plop and sit phase. It happens after colic, when everyone is getting a little more sleep. The baby has more personality, and most importantly, said baby sits safely and can be left for a few minutes with out worry of finding some small obscure object on the floor and choking. As of 10/18/2011, this is the past in my home. My little guy is not yet crawling, instead, he has the fastest army crawl/ inchworm maneuver that I have ever seen. On Tuesday, A. and I were making Halloween cookies (more on that later) when I first saw him moving around the house. He was no longer sitting surrounded happily by his toys. Instead, he was over by my aloe plant trying to pull it over. I looked quizzically at him, figured he rolled over there, and replaced him next to his toys. I went to pour in the sugar with A. and he had traveled 10 feet over to the dog food bowl which he was quickly trying to eat. On one hand, I am really happy that my little guy is developing like he should, but the other side of me will really miss plop and sit.
Thanks to my new birthday camera, you can enjoy a flip book of the army crawl...
I have this crinkly bag, but I'd really prefer the couch |
I've got my foot ready to go |
That's right, this foot can launch me right into that lovely couch |
I must use the arm to get this heavy head up off the ground |
Almost there. I can't wait to get to the couch |
here I go |
And, I made it. How lucky that my head is now on the couch |
That obviously wasn't as good as he had hoped. So, just roll a little and keep going. |
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