I have visions of the memories that my children will have. I want them to remember going to fun events, memories of traveling with their parents, memories of learning and wanting to learn about everything around them. So, I try to take them places, especially community events. There is a serious lack of options in our town/ suburb/ street with shopping centers and houses, so I try to take advantage whenever they are around. However, this weekend, similar to approximately 33/52 other weekends, B. was working. I woke up determined to accomplish everything that we wanted/ had to do with a smile on my face. We started with a little of this...
waiting for her solo in tap class |
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We then came home for about an hour for K. to take a short nap before his flu shot. We jetted over to the pediatrician for a quick visit to the flu clinic with 35 of our closest neighbors and friends. Since the line was forever, I fed K. his baby food sitting in the waiting room. Surprisingly, it took less than an hour. So, 11:30 and we were on our way. In my head, I was thinking, really, do we go to the festival and rush around before getting A. home for a nap and K. to feed him by 1:00. Unfortunately, I had already told A. that we would go to the firehouse, she was really excited since she had met some of the fireman at bible school on Tuesday. So, off we went. We pulled in at 11:55. I was thinking, bounce in the moon bounce, climb on an engine, try on some clothes, and eat in about an hour. Its doable... So, we get started
my little firelady |
We tried on clothes and then got in line for the hot dogs. As A. was eating/ coating her hands with orange cheese curls, and I was looking for a clock to see how we were on time, I saw the line for child identification. This free program gave DNA swabs, a sound clip of voices, finger printing, and pictures of the kids in case they go missing. So, instead of allowing A. to go jump in the moon bounce and then get home in time for nap and K. to eat, I changed the whole plan to "get something else done". I felt like we NEEDED this in case of emergency. My poor baby had to stand in line with a stressed out mom, and a crying brother to have her picture taken, finger prints done by some stupid machine that didn't even register hers, get her cheek swabbed and then answer a question in a microphone (that part was actually fun). I even went as far as getting someone to hold our place in line while I took her to the moon bounce while I counted to 10. REALLY, that is not fun or fair. I then found myself getting mad at my husband because he wasn't there and if he had a normal job he could stand in line and she could have jumped her little heart out. Again, REALLY, not fair. I turned a fun event into something we had to do. My sweet children actually did great and A. came home and went right to bed. K. on the other hand was so overtired that he couldn't get to sleep. He finally fell asleep at 5:30 pm and slept until 4:00 am then again until 7:00 am. I still am not over my stupidity and all I want to do is take A. to a moonbounce and let her jump her little heart out. Instead, I have a q tip of cheek in my freezer so be afraid, very afraid. Nothing can happen to her now....
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