Monday, May 25, 2015

might be one of my favorite traditions

Though last year's baseball game was a lot easier than this year's, in sharp contrast, this year's Blue Angel's experience was SOOO much easier.  Last year, I was lugging a stroller with a boy that didn't want to be contained.  I was unsure of where I was going, and my small town kids were still not convinced that strangers were scary and they should stay next to me.  This year, we got there later because of a vet appointment for our now 12 year old rapidly declining dog.  We pulled right up to the parking lot and just happened to pull in next to our neighbors.  

No standing in a security line, no folding  "1 handed fold strollers" that are smarter than this two handed person nor the 3 closest patrons resulting in a stroller rolling around in the bottom of the bus; most importantly, no nervous nellie mother.  We were all happy and calm.  

Don't be fooled by the next 2 pictures.  These were fleeting moments.  Most of the time, the kids were running around with lacrosse sticks, snacks, or poorly executed gymnastics until a mom felt the need to point out the F\A -18 hornets flying REALLY loudly overhead.  Clearly, the noise did not alert the children.  

Sometimes I question the return to babyhood that will be us in a short 5 months:).  

baseball a year later

Last year, we took the kiddos to a minor league ball game b/c A. read the alotted number of books to get her free ticket.  This year, same thing; it's really smart from the teams perspective b/c they give the 6 year old a 7 dollar ticket and the rest of us have to purchase our tickets, dinner and then my husband also must purchase his funnell cake and soft pretzel. 
The difference is that last year the kids were satisfied saying "hi" to their other classmates and hanging with us.  This year, my little socialite was no longer ocntent with us.  As soon as we got there, the kids park which we strategically sat really far away from last year came into view (damn those glasses).  
Thankfully, Oma was present and not against the $1 to throw 3 balls or $5 to jump on a moon bounce with our 5 closest strangers for a whopping 3 minutes after a 20 minute line.  Thanks, Oma!  

OK, we're now to the bottom of the first inning, our family is all here, "What's next,Mom?"  Eating a lot of junk got us to maybe the bottom of the second because of the long line.  Then, ahhh, a new friend of the same age with the same attention span happened to be sitting behind us with more patient parents that didn't mind my squirmy 6 year old.  The girls became fast friends.  A little too fast b/c at the bottom of the 7th, they began getting a little farther away, then a little farther away until finally, they sat in the front row next to some BOYS from A.'s school.  

That's right, I was left with these 2 loveable guys.  Ditched by my own daughter at the ripe age of 6.  Imagine age 16...