Saturday, April 2, 2016

what's next

A. has been an inquisitive girl FOREVER.  I think I've written about her "what's next" question about a million times on this blog.  I remember actually counting her questions when she was 4.  B has counted recently when in one conversation, she asked 11 consecutive questions.  I try to remember that it will sometime serve her well and that she is constantly learning. But, it isn't easy!

Once A. knows the answer to a question, she either starts another scenerio in her head, or she worries about the answer.  Anything new happening and anything changing a sleep routine causes a whole new kind of angst.  On this particular day, we were at a birthday party with all 3 kiddos.  K. was staying after the party for a sleepover.  WHAT?!?  He is old enough to stay somewhere else?!?  He won't be home to ready a story?!?  What if he wakes up worried?  What if he wakes up and isn't worried?  Does that mean that he doesn't miss us?  Does that mean that he doesn't love us?  Will A. be able to sleep if he's not in our house?  Are we going to go straight home from the party without him?  SO. Many. Questions.

Well, K. was old enough to stay.  He did feel worried for awhile but then did completely fine.  He did love us.  And...
We didn't go straight home.  

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