Monday, August 5, 2013


It turns out that when living in the country, July 4th fireworks start in June and end in August.  We have had the privilege of seeing neighborhood fireworks that rival any public show that I've seen.

It also means, that loud fireworks have woken K. up at least 4 nights.  So, fireworks conversations are a huge part of his limited repertoire.  We have 2 options.
Option 1:
K. "Mommy, you like firework?
Me: "Yep, I love them.
K. "You like spakleee ones"
Me: "Yep. What do you like?
K. "I like lello"
Then we argue and I tease him with things like, "no, I like yellow ones."  He is very adamant that you can only like one particular type of fireworks.  My favorite has to be sparkly ones.

Option 2:  usually before bedtime or when we are going for a walk in the neighborhood by the "firework house"
K. "Mr. Dak do firework?
Me: "Nope, Mr. Jack is all done fireworks."
K. "I laugh. ha ha ha." (B. taught him to fake laugh whenever he hears fireworks and thunder.  After the initial crying, it typically works)

I like shimmering fireworks, I like purple fireworks; I even like yellow fireworks.  I don't, however, like you waking up and crying.  So, please sleep through them and we can talk about it in the morning.

Thanks in advance,

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