Wednesday, July 11, 2012

doc mcbelle

I am really struggling with the work mom balance.  Since I went back to work I feel that I'm running from 5:30 when I get up to work out until 8:30 pm when everyone is finally in bed and B. and I fall onto the couch for like 30 minutes before I go to bed.  Its exhausting.  I think my biggest issue is that I find myself watching the clock until the kids take a nap or go to bed so I can get a few minutes to myself.  Then, I realize how ridiculous that is that I'm wishing away my time with them; time that I'll never get back.  So, needless to say, I've got some issues to work out.

The good thing is that I don't leave for work until about 8:00 (1 hour later than my previous job).  so, we get some good playing in before breakfast.  This morning my little girl whose favorite toy is a stethoscope had us all lined up waiting for our x rays and shots.

She is a little preoccupied with shots since one of her friends at school told her that 4 year old's get 4 shots.  True, but did she have to know 2 months in advance so that she would worry about it until the appointment.  sigh.

Thankfully, this doctor saw adults, children, and dogs.  She could "read xrays".  Mine said, "Mommy, you have a broked foot and wrist, and head."
 K's said, "K. you are growing to be a big boy with a broken nose so you shouldn't eat glue."  I can obviously see where she is getting that from the X ray.  

Now, off to work.

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